A safe place


You have no enemies. No one does. The idea of living without conflict and hostility can be challenging in our everyday lives because the world contains too many diverse perspectives and interests for everyone to feel understood. Keep in mind that everyone has their own motivations and struggles that carry them through life. So, focus on embracing your empathy along with your understanding and be aware of the fact that harboring love is just as much of a choice as harboring hate.


The pursuit of happiness is an illusion. To be happy is a beautiful feeling but the feeling never lasts forever. Enjoy the feeling while it is present, but do not chase it. We are a greedy species and we will go to great lengths to achieve such a feeling. Happiness can lead to impulsivity when you believe that having more of something would make you happier than having less. Chase peace. When we are at peace, we will no longer rely on the feeling of happiness to live our lives in a state of content.


Without the bad, we wouldn't have the privilege of experiencing the good in life. We should learn to embrace the difficult times in our lives and realize that we can't always expect life to go our way. Accepting balance in your life means accepting that your negative and positive thoughts will coexist. Your best and worst days will coexist. Your biggest fears and ambitions will coexist. Balance is how we learn to grow as human beings.


Sonder is the realization that everyone you encounter in life is living a life as complex as your own. We get so caught up in our own lives that we forget to be mindful of how other people live theirs. Keep in mind that we are all a product of domestication, meaning the way we behave and think is constructed through what we are taught growing up. Take the opportunity to learn from people that live life with a different style and understand that no one is right and no one is wrong.


Life can throw curveballs at us, most which we cannot control. It's okay to feel powerless when we're not able to catch the ball and throw it back. Realizing that there is nothing you could've done is your opportunity to shift your attention on what you're able to control. Attempting to control something you can't may lead to stress or insanity. You cannot control when the seasons arrive, but you can control how you prepare for them.


Everyone is strong in their own way, but we must also learn to be resilient. We are taught that resilience means to fight every battle regardless of whether you win or lose. True resilience is having the ability to walk away from your battles. We are prideful beings and we think we are weak if we turn our backs to our provocative problems. That is not the case. In a world where pride protects our losses, walking away presents our victories.


Knowledge is not to be confused with wisdom. Knowledge is the awareness of what we know and how we know it. Wisdom, on the other hand, is the awareness of what we don't. To have wisdom, you must have humility because learning is a humbling experience. Our journey to acquiring wisdom starts when we realize that learning is a journey in itself. A mind that thinks it knows it all cannot progress any further than a mind that thinks it has much to learn.


The feeling of loss is dangerous because it behaves like a chain reaction. When we lose something, we start to think about everything else we've lost. We are the holders of our own chains, and we cannot allow ourselves to become a part of that reaction, the loss of oneself. Think about what you can gain from your losses, creating a new chain, a chain of everlasting potential. Then you will realize you never lost anything to begin with; you just made an exchange.


Patience is birthed from understanding. Understanding is one's ability to fall in line with the bigger picture in any given situation or conversation. If you can understand why you haven't gotten what you desire, you will become patient. If you can understand why someone is the way they are, you will become patient. Everything in life is a process, including yourself. So, learn how to let life run its course like it always has and you will see how much you can learn simply by waiting.


War, poverty, corruption, illness, death. Like a bad dream, we want to close our eyes and hope to wake up in a world where none of that exists. We refuse to accept because we cling on to the idea that the outcome can still change. Acceptance is not the same as surrender, it is the acknowledgement of what has and can happen in life as we know it. Accept what has gone wrong in your life and seek ways to heal, seek ways to recover, and seek ways to move forward.